Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 14, 2009 - Biscuits

1/30f8ISO 80050mmRAW

Today I made one of my favorite foods — biscuits! I took photos of both the preparing process and the finished product. Since I just recently put up a photo of making cinnamon rolls, I decided to post the golden brown finished product.

I shot this at a shallow angle so I could get the full range of focus zones in the photo. There are out-of-focus biscuits in the foreground and background surrounding the in-focus biscuits in the middle. This gives more depth to the photo and adds to its visual appeal.

I used the rule of thirds by putting the area of sharpest focus in the lower right third of the photo. I also cropped it in close to give more attention to the area of sharpest focus. Finally, I corrected the white balance and pumped up the contrast and color saturation.

I only have one regret &mdash I wish I hadn't eaten so many of them!


Pey-Jing Li Mehrinfar said...

Your biscuits look so good! Did you make them from scratch? Either way, you made them look very appealing.

Chris said...

Yep. I like the recipe from the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. This time I tried the sour cream biscuits for the first time. They weren't anything special until I put honey on them. Then I couldn't get enough!